Bad Winners, Great Losers
Behind an Olympic Gold Medal, and maybe the Nobel Peace Prize, the Oscars are the biggest and most prestigous awards given out on the planet. But there have been a lot of mess ups throughout the history of the Academy Awards, specifically in the Best Picture Category. Lets talk about that.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


In 2005 a movie came out that was bold, and unrelenting. It touched people across different spectrum's of life. The movie was polarizing and intensely criticized for its onscreen representations of taboo and raw material. The film was easily the best of the year. 

In 2005 the film Crash won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Crash tells the interrelated story of several major and minor public figures in modern day Los Angeles. The film is a triumph in storytelling and acting. The movie has very important themes such as racism, sexism, and discrimination. I highly recommend that if you have not seen Crash, that you should do so, because it truly is a great film.

But that film, was not the best film of the year. Brokeback Mountain was.

The late Heath Ledger gives one of the best performances in recent history and possibly of all-time in his heart wrenching portrayal of a closeted Homosexual cowboy in love with another cowboy portrayed by Jake Gylenhall.

The film was protested, hated, and criticized for bringing homosexuality to the mainstream media. Brokeback was said to have been a “gay agenda movie” and that Hollywood have been pushing homosexuality into people’s homes for decades.

Critics and the mainstream public themselves focused on the wrong thing here. Instead of a movie where two humans were in love and their struggles; everyone turned this film into a movie of two gay men and how Homosexuality is the plague of America which will bring about its downfall.

Hate and ignorance is actually the real wrong here. Brokeback is such a beautiful film that you have to be ignorant and discriminatory to not at least think the acting is good, or the scenery and cinematography is excellent.

Hollywood felt the same way, they gave the film 8 Academy Award Nominations and the movie won three. There is a bit of drama here though. Most of the time, actually 72 percent of the time, the Best Director winner also has their movie go on to win Best Picture. In 2005 Ang Lee won Best Director for Brokeback, but in an upset, his film lost to Crash.

Listen, I think Crash is an excellent film. But I don’t believe it is better than Brokeback Mountain. And I understand that I can’t go back in time and make sure that Brokeback or any of the films I’ve written about win Best Picture. But I do have a voice. I don’t agree with hating something because it is different or offends you. If you ever see something that you dislike then you shouldn’t watch it or pay attention to it. Don’t hate it because that only adds more fuel to the fire. Don’t see the negativity in things. Look at things and see how beautiful everything is because I promise you that if you look hard enough you can find it in almost anything.

Brokeback is immaculate. It is beautiful, and unrelenting. There are some scenes which are difficult to watch, but the love story shown on screen is brutally vivid and enticing to watch. The movie unfortunately caused polarization and discrimination in the public eye because of what it portrayed. I tend to look at a movie for its positives because every movie has negatives, and I try to not focus on that when I could be admiring on beauty.
