Bad Winners, Great Losers
Behind an Olympic Gold Medal, and maybe the Nobel Peace Prize, the Oscars are the biggest and most prestigous awards given out on the planet. But there have been a lot of mess ups throughout the history of the Academy Awards, specifically in the Best Picture Category. Lets talk about that.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

When Goliath Should Have Won

1977 was a great year. Apple was founded, Kanye West was born, and gas was only 65 cents. Also, a small film named Star Wars came out.

Now let me first explain, I am not the type of person who goes to Star Wars conventions or dresses up as Obi Wan for Halloween. But I do believe credit is due to this film. When Star Wars came out, it shattered box office records, the cinematography was excellent, the story was something new and fresh, and the technology used in creating the film was revolutionary.

Star Wars was nothing short of a phenomenon, it spawned sequels, television shows, books, video games, and an entire culture.

In 1977 it was nominated for the Academy Award for best picture. Star Wars made over 300 million dollars in its original theatrical release. Adjusted for inflation, today, that is around 2.8 billion dollars. Everyone saw, and loved the movie. But Star Wars did not win best picture that year. A movie named Annie Hall won that year.

A movie directed by Woody Allen that was seen by 15 people. 

Woody Allen directed, wrote, and starred in this film which also starred Dianne Keaton. The movie is a romantic comedy and is actually quite good as it is seen as a textbook example of the rom-com genre.

Annie Hall won the best picture award because even though Star Wars was miraculous and earth-shattering when it came out, nobody knew the type of effect and culture shock that it would produce.

Annie Hall was a “now” movie when it came out. It represented the culture of the 70’s better than any film that came before it. It was quirky, funny, and thought provoking. The film even influenced the style of dress during the late 70’s.

Even still, Annie Hall represented a time period, whereas Star Wars shook cultural foundations and stunned audiences with glimpses of the future.

To fully appreciate Annie Hall, you have to understand American culture, and a good understanding of the 70’s is also necessary. Star Wars on the other hand is a giant. Anyone, from anywhere can view this film and be engrossed by the story. It gave glimpses of the future and its story had the ability to be easily understood by everyone.

Annie Hall was a good film. But Star Wars is a culture. It is magnificent and a giant of cinema. The academy shouldn’t have just looked at the “now”. Annie Hall represented a time period, whereas Star Wars shook cultural foundations and stunned audiences with glimpses of the future.  
That is why Star Wars should have won this race. That is why Star Wars is a better film which endures to this day.               
History channel

Box Office Mojo

Star Wars poster

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